What is diaphragmatic inflammation?


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Diaphragm inflammation is a rare condition that occurs when the diaphragm, the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen, becomes inflamed. The diaphragm is an important muscle in breathing because it contracts and expands to move air in and out of the lungs.

  • When the diaphragm becomes inflamed, it can become weakened, which can lead to difficulty breathing, chest pain, and other complications. Diaphragm inflammation can be a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Causes and triggers of diaphragmatic inflammation

Diaphragm inflammation can have a variety of causes, but it most commonly occurs as a complication of surgery, trauma, or infection. Operations and surgical procedures that affect the chest or abdomen, such as lung or liver surgery, can cause diaphragmatitis.

Trauma to the chest or abdomen, such as a blunt or penetrating injury, can also lead to diaphragmatitis. Infections such as pneumonia or tuberculosis can also cause inflammation of the diaphragm.

Other causes of diaphragmatic inflammation include autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis , and certain medications, e.g. B. Chemotherapy drugs . In some cases, the cause of diaphragmatitis is unknown.

Persistent hiccups can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition called diaphragmatitis. In these cases, there is ample evidence that trichinae (also known as roundworm) infection is the cause of the diaphragmatic inflammation.

Diaphragm inflammation often occurs along with other common symptoms, such as: B. Chronic cough. This can be a cause of the disease, but also a consequence of the disease.

When someone smokes or has a cold that lasts for a long time, the cough can become chronic and irritate the diaphragm so that it becomes inflamed. Coughing can also be the result of inflammation of the diaphragm caused by other factors. Persistent coughing caused by diaphragmatic inflammation puts extra strain on the diaphragm.

That’s because it contracts with every cough . This greatly aggravates the pain . In addition to the muscles of the diaphragm, the muscles of the airways are also affected.

In addition to the above, other causes of inflammation of the diaphragm may include:

  • high diaphragm,
  • pleurisy (pleurisy),
  • diaphragmatic hernia (diaphragmatic hernia),
  • permanent psychological stress

Symptoms, Ailments and Signs

Symptoms of diaphragmatic inflammation can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Diaphragm inflammation is characterized by a number of very specific symptoms.

The most noticeable symptom is an excruciating discomfort when breathing. This can result in a shallow or labored breathing pattern. There is also an uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the chest. This pressure increases when you cough, talk, or laugh.

There is also a possibility that the pain spreads to the shoulders. When the diaphragm is restricted in any way, it increases pressure on the abdominal organs . This means that pain in the diaphragm can be accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen and a feeling of fullness. This is often accompanied by fever and an additional cough.

Hiccups can sometimes be the first symptom of full-blown diaphragmatic inflammation. In these cases, there is some evidence that trichinae (also known as roundworm) infection is the cause of the diaphragmatic inflammation.

Diaphragm inflammation is recognizable by a number of symptoms, including coughing. Cough can occur as a pre-existing condition or as a consequence of the condition.

Smokers or people with a long-standing cold are more likely to experience prolonged coughing fits, which can irritate the diaphragm enough to cause it to become inflamed. However, coughing is often the result of diaphragmatic inflammation caused by other diseases.

Persistent coughing as a result of diaphragmatic inflammation puts additional strain on the diaphragm. Because with every cough it contracts further. This increases the symptoms. In addition to the diaphragm muscles, the respiratory muscles are also affected.

Diagnosis and course of diaphragmatic inflammation

Diagnosing diaphragmatic inflammation usually requires a combination of physical examination and diagnostic tests. During the physical exam, the doctor usually asks about the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and any previous injuries or surgeries that may have contributed to the condition. He will also listen to the patient’s breathing and, if necessary, perform a physical exam to assess the strength and function of the diaphragm.

Diagnostic tests may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of the condition.

X-rays, computed tomography (CT), or ultrasound scans can be used to view the diaphragm and surrounding tissues, and provide a detailed view of any inflammation, damage, or abnormalities.

Blood tests may also be done to look for signs of infection or inflammation, such as: B. an increased number of white blood cells or increased levels of C-reactive protein.

The course of diaphragmatitis can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the underlying cause. In mild cases, the diaphragmatic inflammation can go away on its own with rest, pain management and, if there is an infection, antibiotics.

In more severe cases, such as after trauma or surgery, surgery may be needed to repair or replace the damaged tissue.

In cases where the diaphragmatic inflammation is caused by an underlying condition, such as an autoimmune disease, treatment may include drug therapy to control the condition and reduce inflammation. Pain management and respiratory support, such as oxygen therapy or mechanical ventilation, may also be necessary to help breathing and improve outcomes.

Overall, the course of diaphragmatic inflammation can be unpredictable, and it’s important to seek immediate medical attention if you develop symptoms. However, with the right diagnosis and treatment, most cases of diaphragmatic inflammation can be treated effectively, and patients can make a full recovery.

Complications: respiratory failure, lung infection, pleural effusion and COPD

Diaphragmatitis can lead to a number of complications that can be serious and potentially life-threatening.

One of the most serious complications is respiratory failure , which can occur in severe cases of diaphragmatitis.

  • Respiratory failure occurs when the lungs are no longer able to adequately support breathing and requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms of respiratory failure include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, confusion, and blue-colored skin or lips.

Diaphragm inflammation can also increase the risk of pneumonia, a serious lung infection . Pneumonia occurs when bacteria, viruses, or fungi infect the lungs, causing inflammation and fluid buildup.

  • Symptoms of pneumonia include fever, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, and fatigue . People with diaphragmatitis are at higher risk of developing pneumonia due to weakened breathing muscles and impaired lung function.

Another possible complication of diaphragmatic inflammation is pleural effusion , which is the accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, the area between the lungs and the chest wall. A pleural effusion can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing, and also lead to decreased lung function.

  • Treatment of a pleural effusion may include draining the fluid with a needle or tube and treating any underlying conditions that are contributing to the fluid buildup.

In addition to these complications, diaphragmatic inflammation can also lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) .

  • If you have symptoms of diaphragmatic inflammation or other breathing problems, it is important to see a doctor right away, as early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications and improve outcomes.

When should you see a doctor?

If symptoms of diaphragmatic inflammation occur, it is important to see a doctor immediately.

Symptoms of diaphragmatic inflammation can be severe and worsen over time, leading to serious complications such as stopping breathing or pneumonia.

Prompt medical attention is critical, as early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications and improve patient outcomes.

Diaphragm inflammation is a rare condition, and many of its symptoms are similar to other respiratory problems, making it difficult to diagnose without medical help.

  • Delaying medical treatment can lead to more serious complications and require more invasive treatments or surgery.

treatment of  diaphragmatic inflammation

Diaphragmatitis treatment depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the condition.

  • In mild cases, treatment may consist of rest, pain management, and antibiotics if infection is present.
  • In more severe cases , surgery may be needed to repair the diaphragm or remove damaged tissue.

In cases where the diaphragmatic inflammation is caused by an autoimmune disease, treatment may consist of taking medication to treat the underlying condition.

Pain management and respiratory support, such as oxygen therapy or mechanical ventilation, may also be needed.


It is not known how to prevent diaphragmatitis. However, taking steps to stay healthy and minimize the risk of infection or injury can help reduce the likelihood of developing the disease. This includes:

• regular exercise to improve general health and strengthen respiratory muscles
• good hygiene to reduce the risk of infection
• avoiding smoking or exposure to smoke
• wearing protective clothing for high-risk activities such as sport or physical work


Follow-up treatment for diaphragmatic inflammation depends on the severity of the disease and the treatment. In most cases, sufferers need to be closely monitored to ensure proper healing and to treat any complications.

Pain management and respiratory support may be required immediately after treatment, and rehabilitation may be necessary to restore strength and function of the diaphragm and respiratory muscles.

What you can do yourself

While it’s not known how to prevent diaphragmatic disease, there are steps you can take to promote overall health and reduce the risk of complications. This includes:

• Getting plenty of rest to allow the body to heal
• Adequate hydration to support respiratory function and general health
• Avoiding activities that may stress the diaphragm, such as heavy lifting or vigorous exercise
• Following the prescribed treatment or regimen to ensure proper healing to ensure.


Was ist eine Zwergfellentzündung? Medizindoc, 2023.